Insights—Financial Institutions

article image 4-1-25.jpgUnderstanding Risks in the Financial Industry

April 1, 2025

As the financial industry adjusts to a rapidly changing world in 2025, institutions face a perfect storm of technological disruption, third- and fourth-party risk exposure, and sweeping regulatory reform. With the new presidential administration… more ▶

article image 11-15-24.jpgInsider Threats to Financial Institutions

November 15, 2024

Of the many risks financial institutions face, few present as many challenges as “insiders.” Unlawful behavior by employees of banks, lending centers, or asset management firms—financial crimes, such as embezzlement, insider trading… more ▶

article image 5-1-24.jpgLiability in the Banking Sector

May 1, 2024

In the global financial sector, liabilities loom as an ever-present risk, capable of destabilizing even the most robust institutions. As financial entities navigate through a labyrinth of operational, credit, and market risks, the necessity… more ▶

article image 11-1-23.jpgE&O and More in the Mortgage Industry

November 1, 2023

Real estate professionals, including mortgage lenders, face numerous risks. These risks can result in significant financial burdens, particularly when legal claims are filed against these professionals for errors or omissions in mortgage contracts… more ▶

article image 5-2-23.jpg5 Risks Banking Institutions Face in 2023

May 2, 2023

Today's banking industry faces a troubled global economy, a volatile political climate, and growing cyber threats—not to mention fallout from the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history. This year looks to present more challenges… more ▶

article image 2-21-23.jpgAvoiding Mortgage Mistakes

February 21, 2023

Purchasing a home is one of the most significant decisions people make in their lifetime. It requires a lot of time and thought to work out the logistics of securing the financing and meeting all legal requirements. Many homeowners need clarification… more ▶

article image JBL Award.jpgU.S. Risk’s Financial Institutions Division Receives National Recognition as Best Property Insurance Company

December 22, 2022

For the third consecutive year, U.S. Risk’s Financial Institutions Division, J.B. Lloyd & Associates (JBL), was recently recognized through… more ▶

article image 12-1-22.jpgWho Needs Force-Placed Insurance?

December 1, 2022

Financial institutions that fund home loans often maintain strict standards for borrowers. In addition to the initial criteria applicants must meet, a mortgage contract typically requires home or business insurance to cover the property. If a borrower fails to… more ▶

article image 7-14-22.jpgHow Inflation Affects Banking and Insurance

July 14, 2022

It's estimated that inflation in the U.S. can cost the average household as much as $341 per month. This expense can be attributed to the rising cost of food, household supplies, and essential services. The cost is even higher… more ▶

article image 4-30-22.jpgOvercoming Banking Industry Challenges

April 30, 2022

There are new challenges in the banking industry that emerge every year. Changes in the economy, new customer needs, and evolving regulations are just a few of the factors that often impact financial institutions’ operations. Still, banks are a necessity… more ▶